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Elderberry Syrup Double Decoction

Buying Elderberry Syrup at your local grocery store can get very expensive so why not try and make your own immune boosting delicious herbal remedy right in your very own kitchen.

Elderberries come from the Sambucus canadensis shrub and goes by many common names such as Black Elderberry, American Elder, and American Black Elderberry. It grows wild in most of North America and can be found along roadsides, and in disturbed areas. Elder can grow in both dry and moist soil soil conditions usually in full sun.

The beautiful flower umbels that you’ll see during late spring-early summer turn to gorgeous berries in late summer to early fall. These berries are what we use to make the delicious Elderberry Syrup!

Elderberry Syrup
Image by RitaE from Pixabay

Double Decocted Elderberry Syrup

To make a simple yet effective Elderberry Syrup all you need is three ingredients; water, honey, and of course those delicious Elderberries! But we’re going to make it even more immune boosting and something that packs a punch by adding herbs that work in harmony with one another energetically.

What’s a Decoction?

A decoction is just a fancy word for boiling your herbs to extract the medicine; used mainly for roots and berries, because they have a tougher exterior then other plant parts such as leaves and flowers.

What you’ll need:

  • 4 1/2 cups filtered water; 1 1/2 reserved for later
  • 1/2 cup dried Elderberries or 1 cup fresh elderberries
  • 1 tsp dried ginger root
  • 2 tsp cinnamon chips or 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tbsp dried elder flowers or 1/4 fresh
  • 1 tbsp dried rose hips
  • 1 tbsp strawberry leaf
  • 1 tbsp dried lemon peel (orange peel makes a great flavor too)
  • 10 grams of eleuthero root (roughly 1/4 cup)
  • 2 tsp arrow root powder in 1 tbsp water (optional)
  • honey (about 1 cup)
  • measuring cup
  • strainer
  • jar to put finished syrup in

What to do:

Add 3 cups of filtered water and all your herbs; except the dried rose hips, strawberry leaf and the elder flowers, into your saucepan.

Turn heat to medium high and bring to a boil then turn to low.

Cover and let simmer for roughly 20-30 minutes or until liquid is reduced by half.

When it’s reduced by half, add the rest of the water; 1 1/2 cups plus the rose hips and elder flowers to your saucepan cover and let sit until liquid is reduced again to about half.

Straining Elderberry Syrup

Once it has reduced both times you will then strain out your liquid from the herbs, admire that beautiful deep purple

If you are using the arrow root powder you will then add the liquid back into the saucepan and slowly add the arrowroot powder/water mixture while stirring, bring to a low simmer and let thicken to your desired consistency. Don’t allow it to get too thick because we will be adding the honey.

Once it has thickened to your liking; pour it back into your measuring cup. What ever amount of liquid you have, you want the same amount of honey, a 1:1 ratio. After adding the honey stir until it is dissolved. Allow to cool and pour into your desired container or jar and smack a label on the side.

That’s it! You’re Done! Wasn’t that easy? Just store your Elderberry Syrup in the fridge, it should last for many months but I’m sure it will get used up. It’s a delicious remedy many don’t mind taking, including kids!

You can also purchase my Elderberry Syrup Kit here. It comes with everything you need to make your own elderberry syrup, just add water and honey! is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.
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